Monday, May 14, 2012

Another bday and checkups

Brenna got to have another birthday celebration last week at bible study.  Complete with a cake, candles, and presents!!!  :)

Then, also last week, both the girls had their yearly checkup.  Brenna was supposed to get 5 shots, only got 4...since one of them was for chicken pox and she had chicken pox when she was a year old.  So she had to get "only" four.  Ugh.  It was awful.  She cried and cried and told me between whimpers, over and over again, "I ....(sniffle sniffle)......never.......(sniffle)........want to ........  (sniffle sniffle)........go back to......(sniffle).........that place.......(sniffle sniffle).......AGAIN!"  :(  Poor kid.

Before all that, thought, they had their hearing and eye and blood pressure checked.  Brenna did way better (cooperation-wise) than Brooke did at that age.  And I always think its so cute with her little headphones on.  :)

Brooke, this time, did not pass the eye exam.  She was seeing something like 20/80!  :O  I was honestly shocked.  No signs at all.  Of course this is the million word reader.  She reads normal (not up close or anything), reads a lot, doesn't complain about not being able to see things, and quite the opposite talks about things she can see far away.  So I never would've thought.....  Anyway.

So we followed up with an eye doctor, which, for her (and us!) went horribly.  I do not exaggerate.  Everything was fine till they wanted to dilate her eyes.  Ugh.  Awful.  Screaming, etc etc....  anyway, long story short - it didn't happen.  The nurse finally said she'd let the doctor deal with it and see if he could see what he needed to and maybe try again if need be.  He was able to see enough and determined, yes.  She did need glasses. She actually did worse there.  And final determination was 100/20 in one eye, 80/20 in the other.

Again, so shocked!  She reads so much and so well, but all of this is that's why we never noticed I guess.  Of course she says she can see just fine and wants NO part of glasses.  Refused to even try any on at the first place.  Took her to a second and she put a couple on while covering her face the whole time.  Took her to eat to come back after and she finally picked out the ones she hated the least.  She got two pair (it was BOGO) and one is transition, which was the only SLIGHTLY 'cool' part about it to her.  And I use that word extremely loosely.  ;)  We'll see how it goes.  I did manage to snap a few pics in her new glasses.  By this point, she was totally against wearing them at all, ever....just not wanting to wear them around people, to school, etc.  So, shhhhh!  Don't tell anyone I am posting these pics! ;)

There are two different pair - both very similar...but one is purple trim, one is pink.  The purple ones are the transition lenses.  And both are Vera Bradley frames, which she thinks is maybe minutely cool.  ;)

Back to checkups - Brooke weighed in at 47 lbs and was 47 inches tall.  Brenna weighed in at 36 lbs and 38 inches tall.

And speaking again, of her million words...  here is her millionaire dollar bill (with picture) that is posted on the school walls.  So proud!  :)

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