Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Fair

Over the weekend, we helped out at and attended Brooke's school's biggest fundraiser of the year....Spring Fair! Being newbies to the school, we weren't quite sure what to expect, but boy...they did not disappoint. It was loads of fun!

They had a wonderfully filled HUGE Silent Auction (of which yours truly) was part of. :) There were over 200 items donated (and it ended up making roughly around $10,ooo!...just the silent auction part!). They had lots of kids' art work in the auction, which was beyond fabulous. Lunch was provided (all food donated by HEB) ...hamburgers, hot dogs, nachos, drinks and more! There was snacks of frozen yogurt, cotton candy, popcorn. Face painting, balloon animals. Live entertainment! The local police and fire departments were there giving away safety kits and letting the kids tour the vehicles. Then there was the games and activities part. Train rides, Pony rides ( rides!), tons of inflatables, dunking booth, pie in the face booth, tons of other smaller games and activities, fishing (for a real goldfish as a prize), confetti eggs, and loads more. We were blown away. The Spring Fair was from 10a-2pm and we literally stayed the entire time and still didn't do it all.

I helped out a ton the night before, the morning of and then with clean up too (and then had bluebonnet shoots afterwards), so it was a long tiring day. But it was oh-so-fun. For all of us! Here's some pics to prove it!

(I apologize for my pictures being totally out of order (short on time this morning), but just start at the bottom and go up. LOL)

The Spring Fair ended up making something like $26,000. Crazy, isn't it? But it was so fun! :-)

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