Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Brooke is SEVEN?!?!

Today is my baby girl's birthday. Wow. Seven years ago! Seven years?!!? How did she get to be so old? I swear I never notice these things till birthdays come around. Why can't they just stay little.....


She is still so beautiful. She is smart. She is sweet and gentle. She is shy and quiet. She loves to read (Nancy Drew is her favorite). She loves to build things/create things. She loves softball. She loves to swim. She loves to draw. She loves her teacher more than I could've ever hoped for. She is helpful (when she wants to be). She is manipulative - both for the good and bad. ;)

She seems to be growing taller again here lately. Sprouting up. She is now finally wearing size 7 but can still fit in a 6X (SLIM!). The problem we have is that most pants/skirts/shorts don't fit b/c the waist is too big. Even 7Slims with adjustable waist. Still too big. She has to wear a belt on top of that.

The girl is a picky eater. Which probably leads to the problem above --^ . But when its something she likes (aka - pizza!), she can put it away like nobody's business. When we get a pizza, we finally had to resort to getting the girls their own pizza (cheese only of course) and they polish it off b/w the two of them, Brooke eating over half of it herself.

She had a boyfriend. I say "had" b/c while I think he might still be 'in love', she is bored and moving on with bigger things in life. Not another boy, just tired of that phase I guess. Her BFF's include Carlie, Rhea, Addie, and Rienna. Those are mainly all school friends. Then she has her church friend BFF, Jordyn. And her BFF's through the family are still great friends, Chad, Cami, and Alli. She loves to still play (when opportunity arises) with some of her old friends from Montessori school. But honestly, she (or we???) are so busy lately with piano and softball and bible study and homework and reading that we (or she) doesn't have a lot of free time. Its hard to be 7. ;)

She still talks about her friend Trinity, who moved away. And claims the stake that T is her real forever best friend. She got a surprise phone call on her bday from Trinity which was fun! I have to admit it was kinda cute to listen to the one-sided conversation she was having on the phone, listening to them reminiscence about when they used to go do x,y, and z together. Ah, the good ole days! I was picturing them the two little old ladies calling each other once a week to talk about those days in the sandbox. LOL

Brooke hates to be wrong. She is in that right-fighting stage. She will argue a point just to be right. At 7, she knows everything. Of course. ;P

However, she is still my sweet sweet girl. She says thank you and you're welcome and all the things a little girl with manners is supposed to. She asks for permission to do things even if its already been approved. She's polite, never disrespectful to others, and is the 'good kid' at school and elsewhere. She's a rule follower, but is also well liked by her peers. I can't think of a single person who doesn't like Brooke. Except maybe her sister, sometimes. ;)

She likes to sleep. She would still nap if we let her, likes to sleep in, and I have to sometimes drag her out of bed in the morning in time for school. But she also loves to be outside playing, riding her bike, exploring...whatever. I honestly think she is the most well rounded kid I know (without being overscheduled).

She likes TV (thanks, Daddy.) She always has. We don't watch a lot of it (again, no time!) But if there's a TV on somewhere (a restaraunt, a dr's office, whatever) she will find it and be zoned in on it. But, the same does not hold true for her affiliation or lack thereof with her other electronic devices. Her "uncle Terry" gave her the iPod touch for Christmas. She loves it. And its nice to have for trips or spare time or whatever. She likes to read on it and listen to music mostly. But it is far less attached to her than I thought it would be. She literally probably only 'plays' it on the weekends some. Most of the time she's reading. Her Nintendo DS doesn't get a lot of play time either though. So, I'm not sure why the attraction the TV exists. Who knows.

Anyway, what else can I say? She is a gorgeous genuinely great kid to have. I am blessed and honored to be called her mother. I really really am. I am proud of the young lady she is growing up to be even if her getting older makes me miss the 'baby' she used to be. I won't say I can't wait to see her grow up. Because honestly, I can. I can wait. I don't want my baby girl to be so big and grown up. Just stay little. Sometimes I look at her or pictures of her (like the one below) and I think to myself, "when did my little baby, toddler, preschooler, turn into this beautiful little lady!?"

Happy Birthday Brooke Ashley!!! :)

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