Monday, March 12, 2012


So, Brooke decided she wanted to play softball this year (spring). Like, she really really REALLY wanted to play softball. Why? I don't know. She had never picked up a glove, swung a bat, or even really knew what it was about. But she desperately wanted to play. (to this day I still have no idea why it originally sounded intriguing to her) So who am I to thwart her enthusiasm?? It is relatively cheap through the City sports league. And who knows? She might turn out to really like it?

And she does. Really like it, that is. Her coach is great. Seriously. It's "just" a dad, but he is fun, yet serious about teaching them the game. He's understanding and helpful and encouraging. I don't think we could've gotten a better coach. So thankful for that. Brooke is the only one on her team (the Americans, by the way) that has not played before. And yet, after one practice, she was doing pretty good for never having touched a softball, bat or glove before! By the second practice, she was wanting to practice all the time at home! So much so, she talked my mom into buying her some 'gear' - a bat and ball, namely (she had a glove). And after now the third practice, her coach has already talked about how much she has improved. 3 practices only!

She loves it. She loves her teammates, is making new friends, loves the game and playing, likes her coach...just everything about it. Who knew? She's the oldest on her team (at almost 7 on a 6 and under team), but that is ok, since its her first time. Plus she doesn't have to be out sooo late like the older leagues do. Starting at the 8 and under league, they practice much later.

Its so far so good! We are looking forward to her first game in just about a week! :)

And a short video of her taking batting practice. Doesn't she look so little out there?!?!

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