Wednesday, March 14, 2012

School pictures

So, I'm a photographer, right? That's what I do! In my not-so "spare time" anyway. My kids have been posing and modeling for me for at least the last 5 years or so. And they are pretty durn good at it, if I do say so myself.

So, when it came time for school picture day, I sent Brenna in her cute little outfit, her hair fixed nicely and reminded her how to show her beautiful smile. I knew she'd be fine. She's used to it.

Then I go pick her up from school that day and her teachers were like...."ummm.... wellllll.... Brenna was kind of the ONLY kid that did NOT smile. As in she REFUSED to smile." Apparently, she wasn't grumpy. She wasn't crying. She even carried on a conversation with the photographer. But the second he got behind the camera, she froze, gave him her stoic look, like... I am not about to smile for you dude.

REALLY!?!?! Is this MY kid??? Hmmph! But she was dressed SOOOO cute?!?!

What's funny's strangely reminiscent of Brooke's school picture when she was that age. And guess what else? It was the SAME photographer that took Brooke's picture back then (that was when she was at a different preschool - the one I taught at).

So what's a photographer mom to do? I brought her home, to MY studio, dressed in the same outfit, with her hair not as super cute (after being at school playing all day after the pictures), and took her picture.

Then I waited until the pictures from the school photographer came back and prepared my side by side.

Funny, huh? :P

And, while I'm on the topic.... I'm not sure if I ever shared Brooke's school picture from this past Fall. No? Ok.. well, here it is.

One of the many perks of volunteering all the time at the school? I was there for school picture day and actually saw it right as she took it, so I knew SHE did good and I didn't have to do any 'retakes' with her. :-) She's already since taken another "Spring" school picture (since when do they do TWO a year?!?) that we should be getting back soon. It has a more interesting background and such. I'll try to remember to share that one sooner. ;)

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