Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Our day at SeaWorld started bright and early... we had a nice free breakfast in our hotel, loaded up and got to the park half an hour before it opened. We opted for the Fun Card, which is the same price as a single day ticket yet it gets you in as many times within the year as you want! Like a season pass...for the same price! I don't know that we will go back this year (maybe??), but might as well get it for the same price!

Anyway, we love SeaWorld. We have many strong connections to SeaWorld and San Antonio in general. Luckily, I didn't come back pregnant this time. Ha! That's where we spent our honeymoon, found out we were pregnant, and spend two vacations with the girls. Last time we went was probably 3 years ago or more. So Brenna hasn't gotten to fully 'experience' it yet. It has changed a little since our last visit. There's lots more characters! Shamu (dressed up), Sesame Street characters, and more. Kinda different. They also closed their Lost Lagoon waterpark and are opening a new section of their park that will be called Aquatica, in May..the new version of their waterpark, that now you will have to pay extra to get in to. Hrm. Also, there have been changes to some of the shows. The dolphin show is different - not quite as good IMO, but still good. The Shamu show doesn't allow trainers in the water anymore. Which, that in itself doesn't bother me, but the show itself (the story) isn't quite as moving as it was before. And the dolphin feeding area is kinda different too. Now to get a spot on the pool you actually have to buy food. Which we always do anyway, but it was nice, before, to let Brad wait in line for food while me and the girls go get our spot to feed them. Now, you have to actually go through the line to get that spot. *shrugs* Little things. Also, the Budweiser Clidesdales are gone completely now. I think they had done away w that a while ago (seems like they were gone last time we were there), but still. They were cool. There was also no waterski show (I forget the name). Maybe it just hadn't opened for the year yet? Not sure. Otherwise,.... good changes? The rides section for little kids was much better..a lot more for our size kids. And the characters were fun.

The first guy we saw was Shamu at the entrance.

Then we went straight to the dolphin feeding. Brenna LOVED it., she was more hesitant. Crazy girl. :P

From there, we went to see the first Shamu show. We sat in the top of the splash zone but didn't really get wet. (we always pack our camera, wallets and phones in ziploc bags just in case ;) And it was kinda cool, b/c there was a baby Shamu this time! How cute! In a whale...sort of way anyway. :P

Then on to the dolphin show..always fun, dolphins, beluga whales, acrobats, divers, and more.

After the dolphins, we had lunch. We opted for the picnic lunch by the lake, which was new. An all you can eat buffet of hamburgers and hot dogs, chips, drinks, and pudding for dessert. It was ok. But, no cheese! Ack! LOL Anyway, it was ok. Lucky, at Seaworld you can bring in your own snacks and drinks so we had a good supply in addition to that.

Anyway, after lunch, we changed the girls into their swimsuits and ventured into the little kid area - the Sesame Street Bay of Play. Their own little waterpark (splashpad like) and the little kid rides. They had a lot of fun here. They wanted nothing to do with the water area. My kids are so strange. They both LOVE swimming, being IN the water. But splashpads? No. Not ever. They've never really liked them...even the simple easy ones (free ones!) by our house! Its rather annoying, but whatever. Just not their thing. However, they LOVED all the rides. LOVED. Brooke rode the roller coaster like 100 times I swear. Brenna wanted to ride the carousel just as much probably. We also saw lots of the characters there too!

We had to leave there a little early to catch the Sea Lion show, which is always cute and funny.

We went and visited the flamingos, which are always fun to watch for a bit and pose for a picture with...

Then we wasted a little time in the gift shop and eating a light dinner and snacks before the next Sea Lion show (a different one, which is always much funnier - the spoof of all the other shows, so funny!).

From there, we booked it. I mean we nearly ran. To catch the nighttime Shamu show. Shamu stadium is FAR from everything else and I'm so glad we had the stroller to plop Brenna in. B/c we made it for the early night time show. This time we sat way down in the Splash Zone. And got soaked. Brenna freaked a little at first. But after I started making fun of myself and HOW WET Brooke and I were, she thought it was hilarious (still does today). :P

After Shamu, we still had some time, so the girls wanted to go back to the little kid amusement park area to ride some more rides. We ended up shutting down the park over there! LOL The kids went from before the park opened till after it closed! I have the most awesome kids. :)

They did finally crash on the way out though. :P

We stayed one more night in our hotel and prepped for our drive home the next day. Our ride home was fun too so stay tuned for more pics from that...

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