So, the tomatos had a few left on their plants, but were drying up anyway. We pulled the last few off and decided to be done with tomatos for the year. We had a GREAT output though. Almost too much. Lesson is, next year, we use the same kind of dirt (we think that was the helpful resource) and plant less plants so we are actually able use/eat what we grow.
We also pulled up the other dead or dying things. The cilantro and lettuce. We left the rest for now, as it is still doing well and producing. So, now, we have a much cleaner-looking garden that contains (L-R), parsley, strawberries (still green, but not really producing anymore?), peppers (jalapenos, bell and banana), and the squash, cantaloupe and watermelon.

And for an ending on total randomness, I had to include this cute picture of Barkley. He's such a gentle giant. He's big. Weighs in at about 45 lbs now and I guess still growing. Best we can figure, he'll be a year old sometime around Christmas. He'll be going in to the vet in a week for Xrays on his right front leg since he's been limping on it for the past 2-3 months now. The vet had us try anti-inflammatories first, but they didn't help. So the next step is an Xray. She has some speculation as to what might be causing it (which would probably involve a minor surgery) but is holding out to officially diagnose him until she sees an Xray to be sure. Isn't he cute? And such a pretty dog too. :-)
It's too hot for the strawberries to set fruit, but if you can keep them alive through summer, they should produce next year for you. It's time to plant new tomatoes for Fall if you're interested in that (we won't have time, with our trip)...if you want to do that, you are supposed to give them some shade, especially from the west---you can hang a sheet on the west side of them, or even just a well placed 2x4 or fence plank to cast shade from the afternoon sun. You will have to be careful about watering, but you could do a few plants and keep having tomatoes until the first frost! I think I heard Producer's had seedlings out, not sure if the other stores do.
Well, since I posted I think the strawberries have had it. :-( I was trying!
Thanks for the tips, but we usually don't do a Fall garden. We keep the summer fruits going as long as possible (watermelon and cantaloupe) which for us had been till December one time! :O But after that, we leave it and forget it till (early) Spring.
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