School is getting ready to start back up for Brooke. In about 2 wks already!! So, I've been trying to pack in as many fun (and relatively cheap) activities before we get back to the ins and outs of daily stuff when school starts. Trying to stay cool is always a challenge in 100+ temps, but we've been managing...
We've spent some time at the splashpad. Though I can't take many pictures, because usually I am IN the water with Brenna. :-)

We spent one morning at our local museum...

Then, just Brooke and I went this past weekend for an overnight stay with my sister, who lives on a lake and just bought a jetski. Here's Brooke eating.....(gasp)....Frosted Flakes for breakfast! I know...the horror, right? :P From the girl who has only ever eaten Grape Nuts, Corn Flakes, plain Cheerios, or Kix for breakfast. She kept saying, "Mom. These are really really good. I'm serious. Like really good." Poor deprived child...

And here she is having lunch at Snack Shack (LOVE me some Snack Shack!), where Shannon let her have Doritos and ice cream for lunch?

Naw, she did have a corndog before that. ;-) Here they are taking an early morning walk down to the water...

Are they looking for seashells? Don't they realize this isn't a beach? But a lake?

No, apparently, there are tons of arrowheads laying around. Brooke didn't find any this trip though. Just lots of lilypads.

Then we spent the afternoon actually IN the water. I was pretty sure Brooke was going to have nothing to do with the jetski. I didn't want to battle a life jacket as well. So very quickly, I made it a rule that if she wanted to get in the water at all, she had to wear a lifejacket - no exceptions! (knowing how badly she wanted to go swimming) She agreed, so here she is getting secured...

And out swimming in the lake...

Then, of course, when we asked if she wanted to ride the jetski, she said no. Then asked if she would pleeeease just get on for a picture at least. No. Then I asked her pleeeease if I get on with her, will she just take a picture. No. Finally, I told her. You will get on for a picture at least. She very relunctantly allowed Kelli to plop her on there only after I was on...

And tried to force a brave smile (when there was really trembling going on)...

Then we tricked her! Shannon pointed us in the right direction, I started it and off we went. She wasn't too happy about that. She wasn't freaking out or too scared or anything, just not a willing participant.

So we took a little drive down a a very slow pace of course. And I asked her if it was just a little bit fun. And she said yes. I asked her if she wanted to go a little further and she said yes. Later, I asked her again, if she wanted to go a little further and she said no, she was ready to go back. I was proud of her though for not totally freaking out on me!
The rest of the afternoon she spent swimming while the girls took turns riding with Shannon. But I do have to tell a funny story. As Kelly and I were sitting there watching, a stray dog came up out of nowhere! A very pregnant stray dog at that too. It looked kinda like a long haired daschund? Cute dog. Anyway, it just took off into the lake and started swimming around with the girls. The funniest thing. Then as Shannon came in one time with the jetski, she started swimming to her. Even funnier? Then, she climbed right up on top of the jetski, wanting a ride. So out for a ride they went. They came back, dog got off, missed the next ride and sat on the bank whining! Are you kidding? It was the funniest thing ever! So, a couple more rides later, Brooke decided she would ride with the dog (now named Yamaha...yea, Shannon's a sucker!) back to the house. Here's the group photo (notice the dog on the side towards the back end)...

So that was a fun little trip for just Brooke and I. Now, we're about to be off again to San Antonio to go to Seaworld. We can't wait!!! Though I am not looking forward to the heat. Ugh. In the meantime, we've spent a couple early mornings (before its too hot) outside enjoying the sand table - Brenna's new favorite thing! I kinda like it. Keeps them both entertained forever and she doesn't try to eat it or anything! Because it's a table (and they aren't sitting in it), it's not too messy. A little baby powder on their hands when they're done and they are good as new! And I swear they could spend hours playing with it. We've also toyed with the idea of taking the sand out and putting water in, but I don't know.... The sand is pretty fun!

Here's Brooke explaining something to me....

And Brenna working hard on her job...

Also, Brooke has figured out that she can now carry Brenna around. Oh joy.

And last, but not's how Barkley likes to keep cool. Haha! This was after we got home from our last trip. Brooke's aerobed was blown up and about to be put away and laying on top of our bed. It only took a little bit of time before he figured out this is a pretty sweet spot!
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