Spur of the moment day trip to my sister's again today. Brooke's been asking to go back and Brad has never ridden a jetski! Couldn't believe it. So before Summer was officially over for the year, we just loaded up and went for the day today. Brad had a good time. Brooke enjoyed swimming more than anything but did agree to ride again. Brenna loved it (of course!). All in all everyone had a good time.

Since Brad had never been on a jetski before, Shannon decided to take him out for a run. It didn't take long before he was in the water. All in good fun of course.

Then later, we were riding together and I happened to notice his hand. It was swollen at least 3 times the size it was supposed to be! I asked him what happened and he said, "Oh, I think it's just a blood vessel or something." Yea right! There was no bruising...just swelling. I said from the beginning I thought it was broken. He said I was making too big of deal out of it. Well, a long while later (and several ibuprofen later), and after he tried to give Brenna a bath, he told me, "yea....maybe it is broken." Geesh! We'll see how it is tomorrow...who knows? Maybe it will be fine. I encouraged him to go to Urgent Care tonite (its only a copay and they could've done an x-ray right away) but he insisted he'd try to wait it out a little longer just to see. These pics don't do it justice, but it looks pretty bad.
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