We left early Wednesday morning. My goal was to leave at 7a (not thinking it was possible) and actually by 7:15a, we were pulling out of the driveway. Not too bad! We woke the girls up and loaded them in the car and headed to
Fossil Rim Wildlife Ranch. We wanted to leave early enough to where we would be there early enough (its a 3hr drive) before it got too hot and the animals were still out and about. And that we did! We got there by 10 or so and it was only 80 degrees and breezy! It was nice! And the animals thought so too. I highly recommend this place to anyone with children. Brooke ALWAYS loves it (and she says it was again the favorite part of her trip this time) and now Brenna is hooked too.
Once we're in the park, we let the girls walk around within the car to be able to feed the animals. Brenna enjoyed 'driving' the car.

Once Brenna started seeing the animals, she was sooooo excited! She not only tried to feed them food, but also her hands. (She does this with Barkley...she likes to stick her hand in his mouth and he is very gentle with her. Of course, these animals are tame, but I don't know that they wouldn't clamp down?)

I'm telling ya, the girl was excited! Once she saw an animal, she would stop at nothing to get at it. Made me so nervous - she was literally halfway out of the car on numerous occassions!

Brooke thoroughly enjoys these parks, but is not as keen on the idea of their mouths being on her as Brenna is. Notice the tongue on the deer? Haha.

Here's Brenna signing 'horse'. Ok? I guess... You could tell she was searching for what to 'call' this animal...

The first group of animals are the ostriches, deer, antelope and such. Then come the really cool animals - the giraffes and zebras! Here's the line of cars as you get closer to the better attractions. :-) And actually there wasn't much of a crowd when we were there - it was perfect. (this was def the only holdup throughout the whole park)

Now, I've never been particularly fond of 1) ostriches or 2) zebras. They are both crazy when they see your food and try to get it at all costs (in past experiences anyway...and we do this often). The ostriches have those stabbing beaks, not to mention being huge!

And the zebras have some big teeth! And both will basically get all into your car! (We've had an ostrich steal our whole bag of food before!) But this time, for some reason, the zebras weren't quite as aggressive (yea...aggressive, that's a good word) as on past trips.

And none of it stopped Brenna of course - she wanted her hand in their mouth! Ay yi yi....

The giraffes are my particular favorite. They are so gentle and kind (seemingly I guess?). Plus I think its cool they can eat thru the sunroof! Doesn't he just look sweet?

So we think this park is exceptionally cool, b/c it is actually set on a mountain/hill (I don't think technically there are any mountains in TX, but its rather larger than just a 'hill', so what's that called?). The first half of it, you drive up and feed all the animals. Then you reach the top and they have a nice little restaraunt (where you can eat outside and look out over the scenery), a petting zoo, gift shop, etc. Then when you're ready, you get back in your car and drive back down the hill (on a slightly diff route) getting to feed all the animals again on the way back down.
Walking around near the petting zoo...
Here's me and my girls at the restaraunt....

We always have so much fun on these trips! Brooke always says its her favorite part and I know Brenna is now equally impressed. It's not too expensive and a great outing. The kids did great on the drive up (suprisingly!!!!). To take up time, they ate breakfast in the car. Then they watched their DVD's for the rest of the trip. Brenna has never sat still to watch TV, but she surprised us by being quite entertained with Baby Einstein this time! Yay! She never fussed at all. Only got a little fussy after lunch, just as we were finishing our drive back down. And then, only b/c it was naptime. So, after leaving there, we popped in her pacifier and let her nap the rest of the way to our next stop!
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