Vacation Bible School this year was lots of fun for Brooke. For one, she 'graduated' to the big kid class. Out of the 'nursery' 2-3 year old class and on to the 4-5yr old class. Whew! I'm glad they bumped her up. Originally we thought she was going to be in the class she just finished, which would mean the 2-3 yr olds. But she's been in that VBS school class for 2 years already! So I'm glad they bumped her up where she needed to be. The 'baby' class misses out on some of the more fun stuff. Also, she had a blast b/c her BFF signed up and went with her as her guest! Brooke LOVED having Trinity there. People at church kept remarking how they had never seen Brooke so giggly and talkative, etc.
Here they are on the first night wearing the VBS matching shirts. (The theme this year was Boomerang Express - Australia stuff)

And making a train...

They made lots of cool crafts and sang songs and danced and played and heard stories. They also had snacks every night at the "G'day Cafe" and every night they could pick one snack. There were many to choose from - ice cream, frozen bananas, puddings and chex mix kinda mixture. And every night Brooke picked the same thing - the chex mix, b/c it had M&M's in them too. :)
Anyway, great fun! Here's Brooke in her hat she made that she LOVES and with her tamborine...

And here's some pics from the last night.
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