It's Father's Day. Though, by the time I actually finish this entry, it'll be past. This year, the girls and I had some little tricks up our sleeves for dear old daddy. Several days before, I came across an idea off a blog I frequent and dressed Brooke up in Brad's work clothes and along with some of his work 'stuff', I took some pictures. They turned out soooo cute! If I do say so myself. Take a look!

So, then the next day, I had to think of something as equal to do with Brenna, right? She is a much harder subject, since I can't really bribe her with Skittles. Haha. But I did something similar and took several pictures and they turned out about as good as I could've hoped for with a 13 mo old. What do you think?

I framed the two collages and that was their gift to their dad. Now, trying to get a 4 yr old to keep something secret for days on end (in her world) is nearly impossible. She spoke of her Skittles often to Daddy, he having no clue what she was referring to. She made silly faces and teased him, "wait till you see what I was wearing!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera... So in the end I ended up pushing our gift giving up a day or so. I gave him my gift as well. It is a wi-fi accessible digital photo frame for his office (he's been wanting one for some time! the digi pic frame part...the wi-fi was my idea). Here Brooke is making her card for him and him receiving his gifts. She also made a hat for him at school. I think he liked it all. ;)

I had to take a picture of the inside of her card...she made it "his favorite" - Darth Vador is in black, Princess Lea is the one with the crown and you can probably guess which one else is Luke Skywalker and Yoda. Ay yi yi.....

We also had a real date night (sans kiddos...thanks Birdie!!!) and went to the local Texas Reds Festival and got to see Earl Thomas Conley (yes, I'm a big old country fan!) So, all in all I think he had a pretty good Father's Day weekend. At least I hope he did! 

In some not so great news, though...we had a bit of a damper put on our weekend when we had to take Bailey to the vet after he had been vomitting for a few days. Long story short (I thought it might be parvo! yikes!), they ran blood work and discovered him in kidney failure. :O We took him in on Friday and we found this news out on Saturday (right before the Texas Reds Festival :( so it def put a damper on what was supposed to be a fun night out). So, they began flushing his system. The vet said this would take several days, but that we could come visit him. So here's a camera phone pic from our little visit with Bailey. We took him his pillow and his favorite toy to hopefully give him a little comfort while he's away from home. (by the way, all Brooke knows is that he's sick and has to stay at the vet till he's better)
You can kinda see his leg bandaged up? Well, that's actually his port where they insert the IV fluids and anti-nausea drugs.

So, the game plan is that his system will be flushed by Tuesday hopefully. At that point, she will re-run a blood test. The first ok news would be that his levels returned to normal after this 'procedure'. From there, she would go on to do xrays or ultrasounds to determine the cause of the failure. It could be something as seemingly minor as a kidney stone up to the worst news of a tumor or cancer or ....??? who knows. But the first thing we are praying for for our little guy is that his levels return to normal with the flushing. If they don't...well, that would be bad. Until then it's just a waiting game. When we went to see him, he was as ok as you could expect? He was still lethargic, but the vet said that was the first time he had wagged his tail since being there on Friday. :( So please pray for little Bailey. He is not just a dog, he really is part of our family and was our first "baby". We have complete faith in our vet. She really does live at her clinic and is there all the time. She really cares for these animals and knows the best thing to do. We trust her and we are just praying that this is all something simple and relatively fix-able.
PS - Well, what do you know? I did finish this before Father's Day was over! Now, I'm going to bed! Happy Father's Day to all the daddies out there, but most especially the dads in my life! We love you!
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