I can't believe it's been a month!!! And what's more....just me saying that (I can't believe it's been a month) makes me realize how much I say that of Brooke now. For instance, back a few months ago, I remember making the statement, "I can't believe she is three years old!" So, it makes it all too real about how fast this precious time goes. It's a little bittersweet. Why can't they stay little?

Anyway, Brenna is doing great. She went through a pretty good growth spurt and is officially out of newborn size diapers! Doesn't seem like much, but it makes you realize how much they are growing. She still seems very tiny and petite (as Brooke always had), but I can definitely tell she's put on quite a bit of chunk in the last couple weeks.
She is having much more awake/alert times and really lets you know when she's hungry now. Before I think she was just getting by sleeping through life, waking up gently to eat. But now, she's really coming around.

She is able to get on her side all by herself once we put her on her back. As long as she's not swaddled, that is. She loves to be swaddled at night and is still sleeping well at night, typically only waking up once to eat and then she goes right back to sleep easily. And she is able to focus now and track/follow things with her eyes, including people or small toys.

She is actually starting to learn about this thing we call the pacifier. If we persist, she will take to sucking it for a few minutes at a time. She still thoroughly enjoys
the Moby wrap and really really likes to just be held a lot during the day. I don't mind too much but there are times when I have to put her down to do stuff. She will sit in her swing for a little bit and *sometimes* will sleep in it if we can endure a bit of crying. If she is during an awake time, she is really starting to enjoy her bouncy vibrating seat. It has a mirror that lights up that she is now able to track with her eyes and seems fascinated with it. At least for 15 min. Brooke was actually a big help starting the first day that Brad went back to work. She wanted to hold Brenna (as always) and ended up holding her for two hours!!! It allowed me to get things done around the house and Brenna was in heaven just having someone's (no matter how tiny) arms around her. What a great big sister she has!

We have also begun to hear the first sounds out of Brenna in the forms of coos. It is such a sweet sound. Now, we are waiting for that first intentional smile. I'm sure it's just around the corner. But I try to remind myself not to push her to be too big too soon, cuz once we are there, there is no going back.

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