Monday, October 29, 2007


This was Brooke's first Halloween to pick out her own costume. And it HAD to be Cinderella. And of course, no Cinderella outfit is complete without the precious glass slippers. Well, that was a chore to find. I knew she wouldn't accept normal ballet slippers as 'glass' slippers. Luckily as a last ditch effort, I went to a local resale shop and was able to find some jelly-type shoes that I thought could pass as 'glass slippers' and they were only $1.50! But as we were getting her dressed for her first Halloween event, she stopped and told me, "Mommy! Those glass slippers are pink...not blue!" Oh NO! Anyway, I was able to slide past that telling her that was the best Mommy could do and she accepted it. (whew...) So here's our beautiful princess before leaving for the ball. :)
She literally wouldn't stop smiling. We got so many good pictures of her because she was having a blast being a 'princess' and being 'Cinderella'. At one point, I called to her..."Brooke, come here." She came, but told me very matter-of-factly, "Mommy, I am NOT Brooke - I am Cinderella."

So our first Halloween party was one with a mom's group that I am in. It was mainly all 2-5 yr olds and I think all the kids had a lot of fun. There was a pinata. Of course, Brooke doesn't really enjoy pinatas. I think she sees it as mean - I don't blame her. Beating up on an animal or character to get the candy out of them? Seems a little cruel I guess. Anyway, in addition, we also had pumpkin decorating which was a big hit and I swear the kids must've gone through hundreds of stickers! There was a 'pin' (or tape) the tail on the cat game, and a costume contest, for which Brooke won 'Prettiest'. There were lots of prizes, treats, and yummy foods. I think everyone had a really good time!
Then Sunday, we went to our church's Children's Carnival, where she again got to sport her Cinderella attire. They had games galore, from bean bag tosses to yard darts to ring tosses, ball throwing, picking ducks, fishing for treats and more. Brooke got to see a few of her church friends dressed up as well and I think she had fun.
And this evening we plan on going to another local church's Trunk or Treat. It's a rather large church and we hope to meet some family there for some more fun.

For now, here's a slideshow of pictures from the first two events. Notice the arm on Cinderella as she throws the darts! ;)
(Edited to Add Nov 1): A few pics have now been added to the slideshow from our last event on Halloween night at Trunk or Treat)

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