Saturday, September 1, 2007

You Might Be a Redneck If....... use a space heater to dry your daughter's hair. That's right. Starting when Brooke was old enough to have her hair dried after a bath (and her hair long enough), Brad didn't ever want to take the time to pull out the hair dryer. Plus he thought it might scare her at first. So he started using the space heater we have in the bathroom. Problem is she is almost 2 1/2 and he is still drying her hair with a space heater. Now don't you worry! When Mommy dries her hair, I use a real hair dryer. Either way Brooke doesn't seem to mind I suppose. So as long as her hair gets dry, mission accomplished.

Here is a picture of our precious angel after her bath. She likes to get wrapped up real tight in her princess towel, complete with a crown topping you might notice. And as she sits there on the bathroom counter, we can't help to notice how angelic she looks with nothing exposed other than her perfect face and those big blue eyes looking up at you. Isn't she the most beautiful child you have ever seen? I know......I'm biased. ;)
And a quick funny story for you. Brooke is constantly saying funny things and we wonder 'where does she get this stuff?' I can never remember them all, but really she cracks us up all the time. She is quite the storyteller. I don't mean lying....I mean she tells stories. About Cinderella, then the Berry Godmother showed up and all of the sudden there was a giant and Mickey Mouse came and said Hiya there pal. And on and on and on. She really won't stop talking around here. She HAS to be in on all the conversations around here, even the ones she knows nothing about. For instance, the other day when Brad was telling me over dinner about a trial they had, she kept interrupting (nicely) wanting to know....."and what was his name?".....or...."whats the cops name?" Just anything to get her in on the conversation. I know no one believes me because she is so incredibly shy. And that is what saddens me most is that no one ever really gets to see her at her full glory (for lack of a better word). Anyway, back to the funny story. So, the other day I got her a new shape sorter in the dollar section at Target. One of the shapes it contains is an arrow. She asked me what it was, I replied, "It's an arrow". Her response baffled me for the biggest portion of the day. "No's timeout pot". I really had no clue for the longest time what she was talking about. Finally FINALLY it dawned on me. It is her timeout spot. Where she has to go for timeout I have a sticky note taped to the wall with an arrow pointing on it.

1 comment:

Therese said...

Hey, whatever works, right? She looks super cute in the princess towel picture!