Monday, August 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Daddy!

That's right! Today was Brad's bday (I won't tell them your age honey....) and while Brooke and I have been busy at school, we did manage to find a little time to scrounge together a birthday cake and a couple goodies. He also got surprised at work with a balloon bouqet so everyone at work soon learned he was another year older. While it was an uneventful day, I do hope it was a fun-filled day for my sweet husband. He deserves so much more! He is absolutely the greatest husband and father I could have ever asked for! Brooke and I are so blessed to have him in our lives and look forward to many more birthday celebrations with him! Happy Birthday Brad! We love you!

Now, you may notice on his cake he has a Mickey Mouse candle. I bet you didn't know that Brad's favorite was Mickey Mouse did you? Well, I didn't either! But Brooke informed me of this when we saw it at the store and we HAD to get the Mickey Mouse plates to match of course!

It's a bird! It's a plane! No.......It's SUPER -BAILEY!!!! I realize this pic is just thrown in the middle of all this. But it was just too funny not to include! You see, Bailey loves balloons and will do anything to get his,...I mean teeth on them. So, our sweet little daughter enjoys taunting him with it and gets quite tickled as she goes around the house holding one of Brad's birthday balloons, and making Bailey chase after her and jump after the balloon.
And I didn't want to forget to mention, but while I can't speak for Brad, I really think his best moment today was walking in the door as soon as he got home from work and hearing his daughter strike up the "Happy Birthday" song. She sang it all the way through and gave her daddy a big hug when it was done! Now, wouldn't that just melt your heart??? I can't be sure, but I thought I noticed his eyes get a little dust in them afterwards, making them water up. Hmmm......

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