Monday, September 10, 2007

She's growing up.....

We have been working on trying to get Brooke to do more things herself. From getting in the carseat by herself, to getting her own water, to go potty alone, to getting her lunch, etc. She is progressing well and is learning to do so much! Well, today, she told me she had to go potty. Normally, I would take her, pull her panties down, let her pee, then wipe her, and pull her panties back up. She would dump her little potty or flush if using the big potty. Not today! When she told me she had to go potty, I said, "Ok..let's go!" Her response..."No Mommy, I want to go by myself!" I asked if she was sure. She said she was. I asked her "don't you want me to at least turn on the light?" She said No, so I let her go, still a bit skeptical. So after a few minutes of silence, I waited, then went to check on her. Sure enough, she had pulled her panties down, sat on her little potty, had peed, and was trying to wipe! I was sooo proud!!! So, I helped her wipe (not sure I trust her yet to get clean enough) and pull her panties up. THen she dumped her potty. I can't tell you how proud I was! Then a couple hours later, she did the same thing again!

Of course, she still needs help if going on a big potty. Both in getting on (too short) and staying on (too skinny), but I will take what I get! I know it seems so minor, but it's such a huge step for us! She is getting so big! And I just wanted to share....

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

This is GREAT! Wow!!!