Saturday, June 14, 2014

Brooke's birthday

So I know, I've missed posting a lot - birthdays, anniversaries, school events.  Well, let's take it back a bit.  Brooke's birthday was March 27.  9 years old!  Can you believe it?  I can't...  I mean, really.  What happened to that tiny little baby... :(

She grew into this!

Yea, see.  Life has been so crazy I didn't even have time to stop and take pictures of Brooke around her birthday.  We literally went outside and snapped a few one cloudy afternoon.  :/  Oh well.  It happens, right?

Anyway, Brooke is super smart (of course!), but her real envious attribute is her work ethic.  She will set high goals for herself and meet them, no matter what it takes.  This year in school she got 2 million words.  She was quite disappointed in herself b/c she didn't get 3 million, since in 1st grade she got 1, 2nd grade she got 2, she felt 3rd grade she should get 3.  Ha!

Anyway, she also gets super frustrated when she can't do something perfectly right the first time - piano, softball, whatever it may be.  She will beat herself up if its not perfect.  She loves to read, struggles a bit in math, and is very into science.  She says her life is softball, but there is so much more to this sweet girl.  She is not my cuddly one, but I know if times are tough, she will turn to me and wants to snuggle up.  She has a hard time being assertive or aggressive but that is because she is still so so shy and so worried about what everyone will think.  Even on daily events - going to softball practice...she worries what she is wearing will be too different from what everyone else is wearing.  Silly girl.

Brooke is very crafty and is a whiz at making things.  She is also pretty artistic and I love seeing all she soaks in from her art teacher at school.  Next week, actually she'll be headed to art camp and she is so excited!

Of course, all kids nowadays are exceptional with technology and Brooke is no different.  She can figure out how to do things on the computer or iPhones quicker than I can most days.  She's also still an avid swimmer and is very graceful in the water or elsewhere.  I think that's part of what makes her a great athlete.  If she could be a tiny bit more aggressive or assertive.....  that combined with her gracefulness, she would be unstoppable!

Anyway, I love her.  A lot.  She's one of my favorite people in the world.  And I think she had a pretty good birthday too!  Her birthday was during the week so we got up early and gave her the traditional donut cake for breakfast with (purple and gold - her new fav colors remember?) balloons scattered everywhere.

Then she opened a few small gifts from us.  (she passed on a party again this year for a trip to the American Girl doll store).

Then she was off to school, where she was recognized on morning announcements for her birthday.

Of course, I brought her lunch to school that day, whatever she had picked out (I think she chose McD's actually).  And later in the afternoon, I brought cupcakes to school.  Surprised her with softball cupcakes!  That was a hard one to do actually....  not many places do softball.  Baseball, yes.  Softball, no.  But thanks to Kroger!  They turned out great and she loved them!

After school, she had a softball game (the Cougars - Rec league) that evening.  So I took the another batch of cupcakes for after the game snack.  It just so happened, at this game, she hit a home run!  (not kidding...could it have been any better??) and she got the game ball.

Afterwards, cupcakes!

And one final surprise - she got a Blaze hoodie she's been wanting (not part of the uniform but was optional - expensive! - purchase).

Also, at bible study the week of her birthday, we celebrated there as well.  Where she got cake and singing and lots of presents too!  She is well loved for sure.

So I think she had a great day and still had a trip to the American Girl doll store planned with an overnight stay in a hotel!  

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