Friday, June 13, 2014

Blaze Softball

I promised it.  Here's the whopper of an update on Brooke's travel team, the Brazos Valley Blaze.

And here's my new shirt - which is totally appropriate...

There's a long history here with this team.  But to spare details, she joined the older team after the first of the year.  There is a younger team now, that Brenna played on for a short time (until she realized she's not really ready for the chaos....maybe one day).  Here's a pic from the one tournament Brenna played in....

Anyway, the team that didn't want Brooke a year ago, now was super impressed with her abilities and skills and how far she had come.  After one game, she earned her spot as pitcher (again, only pitcher position - in 10U, the next age group, they start actual player pitch).  This team had fundraisers, started practicing, and started going to tournaments.  Brooke is dedicated.  She wants to practice every single day.  Not kidding.  She's always asking when the next tournament is and when we can practice.  She is dedicated to her team...proof of that being her new favorite colors are purple and gold (yes, team colors of course!).  She loves the sport.  She loves the team.  She even wants her nails painted accordingly...

The uniforms were the 'buy in' so to speak.  They all bought their own uniforms.  Bags and helmets came later after fundraisers and earning money for the team.  This team looks good now!

Going to tournaments is way different than league play though.  And the teams they play against are tough!  Not to mention, playing 4-5 games in the hot sun in one day.  They still held their own and did well through all these last few months.  The best they did was getting 3rd place in a tournament.  And they were excited!  When there are 8 to 10, up to 16 teams in a tournament...alllll very good teams, 3rd place isn't too shabby in my opinion!  One tournament they even played the #1 8U team in the NATION!  Crazy.

Anyway, here's some pics over the last few months I'll share.

This was during one of our random freezing cold fronts during a tournament.  It was COLD!

Yes, the have a few different variations of their uniform.  The uniform is actually the 'flame' uniform you see above.  Then they have gold and purple 'practice shirts' that they sometimes change into after a long hot day.  

A fabulous catch by Brooke (hard to tell in picture though)...

I don't get many videos...  I'm too busy between trying to get pictures (for everyone on the team), keeping the books, and managing the dugout (lineup and keeping girls in order and such).  But this video actually came from Brenna.  She video'd it with her iPod and I sent it to myself from there.  I thought it was pretty good!

And the most recent tournament was a pink out for breast cancer cause.  So they girls all got and wore pink jerseys (shirts) for the tournament.  Brooke played 1st base a lot, as their normal 1st baseman wasn't there.  She does very well at 1st too! 

They also raised enough money to get these cool dugout managers, which hangs each players equipment - bat, glove, ball, helmet and face mask.  They don't care much about these, but I love them, helping to organize the dugouts!  

And these girls know more cheers and chants than most cheerleaders I believe!  

Anyway, there's a lot more.  But we are now in a slight break mode as Little League finishes up and as there was a death in the family for a few of the girls.  In a few more weeks, hopefully, if Brooke has any say...we'll be back at it!  

In the meantime, Brooke is asking to practice and working on teaching herself to pitch.....

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