Friday, February 21, 2014

Reindeer run and Christmas parties!

Because the Turkey Trot got cancelled due to weather, they rescheduled it at school as the Reindeer Run for the day before school let out for the holidays.  This was Brooke's first year to have to far!....3 laps around the entire school.  Brenna's first year to run period - 3 laps around the track.  And they ran at the same time...just happened that way.  3rd and Kinder were at the same time.

They both finished running, both did well.  Neither placed this year, but neither are that competitive when it comes to running.  ;)

Then in the afternoon it was time for class parties!

During the parties, each class had a book exchange!

Fun was had by all.  Sugar was ingested at a rate not known to man.  And we all came home and crashed.  Ok...maybe just me.  I came home and crashed.  I was starting to feel crummy (sick) and just barely getting through the day.  Little did I know the next day I would want to die!  The girls came home and Brooke started teaching Brenna to play chess on her new chessboard she got from her teachers (yes, they teach them to play chess at school this year)....

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