Friday, February 21, 2014

Santa's Wonderland

My mom bought us a groupon deal to go visit Santa's Wonderland and do the hayride.  We were very excited to go.  But, in hindsight...thinking we should've visited before Disney.  Reason...1) its hard to beat the excitement and lights and extravaganza that Disney provides at Christmas time, but also 2) it was soooo super crowded EVERY day after we got back it was almost unbearable.  It took hours just to get inside.  And then it was a slight level of disappointment for both of us (Brad and I) I think because everything there has gotten sooooo materialized.  Not only does EVERYthing there cost money, but the prices on everything has gone up.  We could only visit during the week (b/c of the groupon requirements) so we couldn't really wait hours in line for the hayride (and this was getting there RIGHT when it opened!) and still have time (or money) to do the other stuff.

I don't mean it to sound unappreciative...we did enjoy the hayride and the lights and stuff.  Just being a frequent visitor in years past, we were annoyed at how the money seemed to take over for the owners of this place.  :/

Regardless, we enjoyed the lights and were glad to have gone!  Here's some pictures...

We still had fun going and are so thankful to my mom for giving us the groupon to go and enjoy the hayride!  Just disappointed we couldn't do and see more b/c of the financial jump in things and the craziness of it all.

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