Saturday, February 22, 2014

The flu....

So as I mentioned, the very last day of school before the Christmas break, I was starting to feel a little sick.  A couple teachers had gotten sick with the flu.  And no, I hadn't had my flu shot.  Good intentions to get it granted..  but time got away and I just never got around to doing it, what with our vacation and all.  So I was not immune to getting it.  But still.

Then that Friday night I started waking up around 2, 3, 4am with such extreme pain in all of my body...I didn't know WHAT was wrong.  It was like body aches but so much more intense.  By 5 or 6 in the morning, I knew I was going to Urgent Care as soon as they opened.  At 7am, I checked my phone to get their hours (all still half asleep and not wanting to live).  Finding out they opened at 8:30, I literally rolled out of bed, got Brad to help me get dressed (I literally could not move my own body!), managed to get myself in the car (I dare I drive?  but we live literally right around the corner), and get to Urgent Care.  They took my info and told me to have a seat.  I laid down (sort of) in the seat.  They called me up to have me sign and then told me to have a seat again.  I begged to just go back to a room to wait so I wouldn't have to walk that much more.  They obliged and I got in a room and laid down.

Finally nurse came in - temp was 101.8 and going up quickly.  Dr came in and without an official flu test, told me that I had the flu.  No doubt about it.  He prescribed Tamiflu, told me to get it quickly and it wouldn't be so bad hopefully and to take Nyquil regularly sun up to sun down till I was better.  They almost didn't let me drive home.  Whatever.  I got home.  Gave Brad my script and went back to bed.  I don't think I got up for 2 days, except to use the bathroom...and even that proved difficult.  Luckily it was on a weekend.  The weekend before Christmas albeit, but still.  So Brad could be home and help out.  He sent the girls to his moms to stay so they wouldn't get it.  They did have their flu vaccinations, but you know...better safe than sorry.  He stayed around feeding me Gatorade and guiding me to the bathroom when needed.  The vomiting started later that same day.  And more of the same followed for 3 days!  If Tamiflu helped, I would not have wanted to see what it was like without it!!

Anyway, by Sunday, I was missing the family Christmas on Brad's side of the family.  I sent my camera with him and here's the pics he got (this is what happens when the photographer is missing from the function)...

By Monday, I was starting to actually get out of bed.  By Tuesday, (Christmas Eve) I was ready to see my kids again.  Sammy brought them home and I felt no longer contagious but still kinda "ehhh".  We did go to church that night per our normal Christmas Eve ritual.  And by Christmas day, I was almost back to complete normal - just still a little worn out from all the sickies.  Thankfully.  But I have never before felt THAT bad in my entire life.  I don't think I've ever had the flu and I never want it again.  It was awful, nearly unbearable and so painful.  Thankfully no one else ever got it from me and Christmas was still Christmas.  :)

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