Wednesday, February 26, 2014

New beds for the girls

During Christmas break...Brad had some time off too.  The girls were really getting tired of their beds up in the air (they had the double loft beds remember?).  And we were getting tired of making them up (or trying to).  So we decided those beds had a good run but we would need something new, different for them.  We sold the beds for the same thing we paid for them (yay) and then we went round and round with what to get (they actually slept on the floor for a few days while we searched for the right thing).  We checked everything from high dollar expensive furniture store beds to walmart just buying a headboard.  But I had always wanted these cool beds from IKEA (that weren't too much more than a walmart headboard) so that's what we ended up with.  Two of them.  One for each case we ever separate them into their own rooms, they will still have their own bed.

Now, you may be asking what's so cool about these beds...  well, I'll tell you.  They just look like simple daybeds huh?  Well they are.  But cool function #1 is that the drawers underneath are HUGE.  Like, 3 drawers in their bed holds 5 drawers worth of what was in their dressers.  But the other cool thing is that the bed actually pulls/slides out from underneath so you can have another twin size mattress plopped on and have a king size bed!  AND the drawers are still function able.  See picture below...

We didn't buy the extra mattress yet because we probably won't use it much like that.  Plus, we do have an aerobed mattress we can blow up in the case that we need to.  Its so nice to be able to go and lay down with the girls again in bed and read a story or whatever.  We have missed being able to do that!  And so nice to store each of their clothes under their own bed.  We could do away with their dresser, but right now it just sits empty in their room till we decide.  :)

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