Friday, May 3, 2013

New beds!!!!

Since we decided to stay in our house for a bit longer, I've been wanting to at least change things up, freshen up, and do something different for a change of scenery.  I've got several things on my mental agenda list.  In no particular order.  But this came up first due to coincidence.  A local person posted a set of beds for sale on a local FB online garage sale type group I'm a part of.  I commented first and subsequently went and bought the beds.  (come to find out, probably 25 people after me commented wanting them).

We didn't tell the girls.  I mentioned that we might do something different in their room, we might get bunk beds, but nothing specific.  So they were quite surprised to get home from church with Sammy to find their new (not just any) bunk beds.  Actually we're calling them 'loft beds'.

The reveal -  (sorry just took it with my phone and with the wrong orientation...oh well)

Its not exactly what I was looking for, but it was  a super good deal ($100!) and its a definite change.  I want to add a cute curtain rod and fabric around the bottom to hide the 'storage' area and/or provide a little play area/fort at the bottom.  I am already thinking of lots of ways to fancy it up.  And have already done some cute stuff since taking these pics.  :)

We're keeping the old beds (in storage) for a bit, just to make sure we like and it works out and all.  But so far so good!

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