Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Working hard for the money

After Christmas, while still on break...  the girls enjoyed just playing with each.  Brenna had been wishing she had asked for an American Girl doll (like Brooke's) for Christmas.  Brooke wished Brenna had one too so they could play together.  Pretty soon the plotting began.  I was pretty impressed, though, that Brooke and Brenna decided to pool their money together (from Christmas, birthdays and chores, they had saved) to get Brenna a doll.   Brooke was unselfishlessly just wanting to get Brenna one.  However, they still didn't have enough and were short just a bit.  It just so happened that day before we had gotten firewood delivered to the house.  I told know, maybe if you do a little extra work, not expected, Daddy and I would give you a little extra money.  Something like moving the firewood/stacking it in the back.  So off they went.

I helped with rolling the too heavy wheelbarrow back and forth for them.  But they loaded it, unloaded it, and stacked the wood - an entire half cord of firewood.  In about an hour.  No complaining at all.  Quite the workout too.  I was impressed!

The finished product - the first stand holds 1/4 of a cord.  The second holds 1/ the extra in front of that one and left in the wheelbarrow.  They did a great job!

Needless to say, when Daddy got home, he was impressed too.  So based on first, the unselfish act of Brooke giving all her money to Brenna to get a doll, and second on them doing so much work to make up the difference.....we agreed to take them to let Brenna use the money to get a doll a few days later.  Normally we would never buy them anything so expensive especially not just after Christmas...or not for a special occasion.  But these girls worked hard for it and the motives were pure on both their parts.  So I let them spend their money on it of course.  Brenna was so happy with her doll.  And Brooke was so happy to help to get her one.  Win win!

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