Thursday, May 30, 2013

Releasing butterflies

I finally convinced Brenna it was time to release the butterflies (and lizard) so they could live long and happy lives outdoors.  We are still waiting for the praying mantis to hatch (seriously?!?!  Does it really take THIS long?  Maybe we got a bunk one... :/).  So for now, we are getting rid of the butterflies and lizard.  Several of the butterflies were ready to go!  Fluttering all around that net...  but one or two had *just* hatched and were still a little wobbly with their wings.  Which basically meant the kids got to hold them for much longer before they flew off..  and one of them actually never did fly off.  We had to set him on a flower to get ready to go.  :P  Take a look...

The lizard was definitely ready to go.  We let him go trying to let the girls hold him for a bit before saying goodbye, near the flowerbeds up against the brick house.  Dirt and bricks.  What they seem to like - haha!

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