Friday, May 24, 2013

PreK Graduation

 Also, as school comes to a close for this year....Brenna had her End of Year Program/PreK Graduation.  *sniff sniff*

She still has a week (ish) of school left, but officially 'graduated' from PreK last week.  It was really cute.  They sang songs, as a whole group, then some with their age class alone.  Their was a slide show, with baby pictures from the PreK kids next to their graduation well as all kinds of other photos.  They each got a 'diploma' and a bible verse their teachers picked out for them.  And afterwards a cookie and punch reception.  We have just loved having Brenna at this school, could not have hand picked better teachers for her, and will greatly miss all the folks there.  Her bible verse they chose could not have been more well suited - Matthew 18:4 "Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven"

Here's some pics from the night...

First, the whole group....(Brenna's smack dab in the middle ;)...

Then, just the PreK kids (4/5 year olds)....

Brenna with her diploma...

cookie/punch reception afterwards...

Brenna with one of her BFF's and as of now, the one she will marry....Colton.  (and he's holding her new lizard for her...ahhh, what a gentleman)

The other BFF, Sophia...

We are really hopeful Sophia will be at Kindergarten next year with Brenna...*crossing fingers!*

With her two most wonderful teachers, Ms Betty and Ms Susan.  

Love the ocean hallway they made.  (and again, she's holding her new pet lizard)..

And some videos of their songs...

There were a few more of the whole group, but to not drown this post in videos, I'll skip to the ones of just the PreK kids... (the first line of this was "Kindergarten Kindergarten here we come..." my video didn't start on time)


And then Brenna getting her diploma. Again, my video'ing skills leave less to be desired. I started to late to not hear her name or her bible verse. Doh! But you can see on the screen her baby picture then flip to her graduation picture after...


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