Saturday, May 25, 2013

Pet Lizard

So you maybe remember me mentioning "Brenna's new pet lizard"???  Yea.  A friend gave it to her after the friend's grandma caught it one day.  She's been trying and trying to catch a lizard so she was beyond thrilled!

One day before school, while I was out selling yearbooks, she got to pet the pet geckos at Brooke's school while their cage was being cleaned.  And got to watch them eat.  Blech.  But she loved it!  And wants one of her very own!

We are going to have to add on to the house for all of Brenna's bugs!

Most recently the caterpillars all formed their chrysalises so we transferred them (carefully....ugh.  The paper ALWAYS breaks for us doing this!) to their net.

Then the last couple of days, the have all hatched.  We got some really pretty butterflies this time!

Soon, we will be releasing them and I'll get some better pics then I hope.  In the meantime, still waiting on the praying mantis egg to hatch....sigh!  It takes FOREVER!  Starting to wonder if we got a bunk one.  :/

So here are all of Brenna's ....bugs!  Sigh!

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