Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Brenna's day

Even though her party was a weekend prior, we still made her ACTUAL birthday as special as we could.  :)

Started the day off w room of balloons and streamers on her door - (she kinda ruined the surprised of that by getting up at 2am to come to bed with us...but eh, whatever)..

Then donut cake for breakfast and presents!

Lots of bug stuff, a couple of horse things, jigsaw puzzle, a chocolate ice cream cone personal fan she wanted from the gas station (ha!), and her very own watch!

She has some of the BEST expressions when she opens presents, truly genuine girl here.  ;)

Then it was off to school!

I dropped her off, then went to get cookies and juice for a special snack for her bday at school.  When I got there, there were several kids missing that day (aw!  bummer.), but they were finishing up a story.

Gotta love being able to have prayer in school, right?  :)

Then, after school, we went to eat lunch at her pick (which happened to be Chick Fila), home for a nap before picking Brooke up and when we get home from THAT....what a wonderful bday surprise - her praying mantis eggs arrived in the mail!  (trust me, I wasn't the one that was this excited ;) )

For dinner, her pick - Roadhouse.  Which she ended up not liking (big surprise) and just had wanted the peanuts and the ability to throw them on the floor.  Sigh!  Whatever....

She did get a special ice cream treat (without the singing - haha!)

And before going home for the weekly Friday Night Family Movie Night, we stopped by Toys R Us to let her be recognized on her bday (they announce their name on the loudspeaker and give her a crown and balloon) and spend her gift cards and some bday money.  She picked out a 3 ft rubber alligator, a set of a dozen marbles with replica bugs inside and dolphin trainer Barbie.  She wanted to sleep with the alligator and the bugs.  Ay yi yi....

I think she had a super fun day and is super excited to be FIVE now.  A whole hand!!!  LOL

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