Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Brenna's 5th birthday party

*warning, picture overload!*

This year, Brenna got a good birthday party.  It happened to need to be before her actual birthday because of scheduling.  So this past weekend, she had her party.  At a horse riding place.  We happened to be the first party the lady had at her place but it went so well.  Brenna got an hour private lesson (or horse riding time) before the party, then the kids rode for an hour, then cake and presents.  Brenna LOVED it.  The kids all had a blast....it was super fun and they are STILL talking about it at her school - haha!  Luckily for this facility too, these were a great bunch of kids.  They were all very calm and easy going and all were very eager to ride and have fun.  Then fed the other horses treats, brushed them, etc while they waited for turns.  It went so well.

Anyway, so here's some pics of course!!!

First, all the family came up for the party.  So, PaPoo let her open her gift from him before heading out there.

We've done the butterflies before (but not since Brenna was little bitty) and are excited to let her have a go at it (as much as she likes bugs....geesh!).  Also think its super cook to have a praying mantis kit!  I've already ordered the eggs for both and they should be getting here soon I hope!  My bug girl is so excited and can hardly wait!!!

Now, on to the party - a picture of the most awesome cake, first off.  Seriously.  Awesome isn't it?!?

Then we headed out to the party!  Brenna stepped right up and started getting lessons on how to care for the horse and how to get him ready for riding...

Then, she got to lead her horse (this one was 'her' horse...named Bubba) to the round pen for riding.  Between me and you, I think this was her favorite part.  Serious.  She loved being able to lead him around so easily (he was a good horse) and take him for a walk...being in charge, like walking a dog on a leash.  She loved it.  :)

And then, once in the pen, she got to get on Bubba and go for a ride.  Never once being 'led', she was instantly taught how to kick to make him go.  Then after a bit, she was taught how to 'steer' him, which way to pull on the reins and such.  Pretty cool.  She liked that part too!

Next up, the lady was trying to convince her to trot him.  She kept saying 'no, she didn't want to...'  The lady was really good about encouraging her though without being too pushy.  And the horse was real good about doing a nice slow trot.  She finally did it.  But was not happy about it.  Still says she didn't like that one bit.  *shrugs*  

And at one point afterwards, the lady had to leave the pen for a quick second bc one of other horses got out (we were seriously RIGHT THERE) and Brenna panicked and got scared and started crying.  :(  I think it was the combination of no nap, she had an ear infection too, the lady left her (in her mind) and at that moment she was just sitting on a still horse waiting, the horse leaned his head down which caused her to bump a little and all of that....just freaked her out.  

But she was fine pretty quick after.  She got back on ol' Bubba and chose to just walk around, steering him and such.  Then she was ok.  :)

After her lesson, she was sure to give Bubba a treat for being such a gentle guy.  Then let him rest a bit before the kids arrived for the party.  While she posed with all the horses.  LOL

Back on Bubba for a photo op - 

Friends arriving....let's get this party started!

(and for the record, I'm not purposely leaving Brooke out of this post - it was just that she wanted absolutely nothing to do with the horses...ha!  Well....I take that back.  I think one time she pet one horse through a fence.  :P  And, to top it off she must've been allergic to something out there - she says horses,...haha...because her eye got all red and swollen and puffy and itchy..blech.  Poor girl.  Anyway, there is one picture of her to prove her existence at the very bottom w the group)

Then after an hour of more riding, it was time for cake and presents!!!  (and the cake was just as yummy as it was pretty)

I think she had a GREAT, GREAT party and a fun time.  She got lots of horse things for presents of course and loves every single thing.  What a great bunch of kids she had to share this special day with her (we were missing a couple, but it worked out perfectly).  Couldn't have asked for a better scenario!  

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