Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Happy 8th Birthday Brooke!

9:29pm, March 27, 2005 - 8 years ago today....  our beautiful Brooke Ashley was born.

Wow!  8 years.


Man, I miss my baby girl.  See her every day, but I sure do miss the 'baby' part of that.  The little tiny squirt (ok, maybe not so tiny at almost 9 lbs!).  She is growing into quite the cherishable young lady.

Brooke is smart.  I don't need to update on that.  She's such an avid reader is a bit ridiculous.

She loves being an athlete. She won't admit to it, but loves trying new sports, participating in activities and being part of a team.

I think she still likes softball the best though.  ;)

She has the most wonderful abilities on the piano.  I think her strongest talent there is her ability to sightread easily.  It comes naturally I do believe.  And she can play beautifully.  But hates to show it off to anyone.

She's a great swimmer!  Needs to be on swim team prolly, but eh....whatever.

She has her own sense of style.  And I don't mean that in a bad way.  But she is particular about her clothes, enjoys picking out her own outfits (not always what *I* would choose...but whatever), and can fix her hair relatively well.

She is well versed in scriptures and bible stories, often finding times to read her bible as well.  She's not quick to recite and scared she always has 'the answer' wrong so stays silent. But will tell us stories often....  'did you know...???' kinda stories.

Speaking of stories - she's a WONDERFUL writer.  She will spend some afternoons, of her own free will, just writing stories.  First she staples the notebook pages together (often times way too many pages,..haha!), then she titles it and goes to town, coming in with two or three pages written in just a 30 min time period.  And they are goooooood stories!  Suspenseful.  Full of character!  Lots of voice.  I just love it.

She is so quiet and shy still but somehow has managed to befriend everyone in her grade and is constantly voted on for character award.  She's so popular among her friends b/c she is so friendly and just tries to get along w everyone.

At home, however.  Hmph!  At home is a different story.  She can have sooooooo much fun with her sister sometimes.  Then other times you'd think they want to kill each other.  Ahhhhh!!!  So aggravating.  They are the best of friends (again, they'd never admit it) but are the worst of enemies as well.

She also likes to bow up to me and Daddy often.  She likes to be in charge, though she is never really in charge.  She likes to try to make new rules, push the envelope so to speak.  We can really butt heads sometimes.  But at the end of the day, she is still our sweet cuddly Brooke who wants to lay with us every night.  Oh, how I don't want THAT phase to end.  Ever.

I love this girl with all my heart.  I really really do.  I swear the last 2-3 years have gone by much faster than the previous 4-5 years.  Things have gotten sooo busy.  Adding another kid for one.  Then me starting my own business, taking on a part time job and her getting more involved in school activities and sports.  It makes me sad just thinking about it!  Its so hard for us to have time to just sit and talk these days, but I try to make better of it by still participating in the "mommy and me journal" we do back and forth.  I always want to be close to her.  And I hope she continues to grow into the beautiful lady we all admire.  I just wish it would slow down a bit...  please????

I love you sweet girl!  You are my sunshine!  Happy Happy Birthday!!!

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