Thursday, July 19, 2012

San Antonio!

An opportunity came up for us to house/dog sit for Brad's cousins in San Antonio.  They were desparate for someone to stay with their dogs so they wouldn't have to board them and we were appreciative to have a (mostly free) mini vacation to San Antonio (and hence, SeaWorld again!...our tickets from earlier in the year were still good so we got in free!).

When we arrived, we were introduced to the dogs and found a nice 'welcome' package.  This is better than a hotel!  Lauren was so good to us!

Brooke made fast friends with Shayla, playing fetch with her often...

Brenna took a particular liking to Tanner herself...

We went out to eat that night (thanks again to Lauren!!!) to our favorite place in San Antonio.  Ok...ONE of our favorites anyway...  Spaghetti Warehouse!

Then we headed back to have our cupcakes for dessert.  :)

The next day, after taking care of the dogs, we headed over to SeaWorld.  We tried to catch a lot of the things that we didn't get to do the last time and it was much more relaxed.

Brooke and Brad got to ride the Steel Eel too!

She also wanted to ride Journey to Atlantis (the Tidal Wave type ride..roller coaster thing that shoots you down far and steep to get you soaking wet), but the wait was almost two hours!!  when we went by.  Maybe next time.

We didn't stay the WHOLE day.  It was hot.  Plus we didn't want to keep the dogs locked up too long, so we headed home to cool off and re-coop.  But it was a fun day!

The next morning we got up, lounged around a while and then headed home, as the O's would be back mid afternoon.

They have such a beautiful home and we were so thankful that they allowed us to stay there for a fun little weekend away!  But, of course, I know they were probably just as appreciative to have us there to have the dogs well taken care of too.  A win-win for everyone and a fun weekend! :)

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