Saturday, July 14, 2012

Busy weekends

Please realize I am several days if not weeks behind in my posting by the time you see these.  I apologize.  But I do my best to keep up.

A couple of weeks ago, we had one very busy Saturday.  First, we got up early, drove to my hometown for a family reunion.  Sad to say only about half of the family really came, but it was still a large group.  Lots of good food and it was fun for the kids (and Brad too) to meet some of my extended family for the first time!

The surviving siblings.  My dad in the middle (he is the youngest - the baby of 8 kids). 

the kids of those kids (that were present.  Of course, there are much much more.  Off the top of my head, I'm thinking of at least 10 that weren't present.

And then a picture with all the kids and their spouses and the kids of THOSE kids.  In other words, the only ones not present in this picture are the original siblings.  And again, not even CLOSE to half of our family present.  Yikes!

The same Saturday, after the reunion, we headed back into town to go to a friend of Brooke's birthday pool party.  The girls both had lots of fun.

We headed straight from there to the local City pool for our church's annual swim party that caps off the end of VBS.  Great time was had by all, but I only snapped this one picture from there.  The girls definitely had their fill of swimming that day!

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