Saturday, June 23, 2012

Muna turns 97!!!

Definitely post worthy news here!  My beautiful grandmother-in-law turns 97 today!  And she doesn't look a day over 70.  No joke.  She still drives, wears hose and high heels everyday, babysits our kids, takes the little old ladies (much younger than her) to lunch quite frequently, and is overall in great health, spirits, and will surely outlive us all.  :P  We celebrated a tiny bit, surprising her by singing to HER instead of the 2 yr old bday boy this past week at bible study.  I think she wanted to line us all up for a whooping for making a big deal out of her bday.  But.  Well.  We think she deserves it.  :)

Happy Birthday Muna!  We all love you soooo much and are soo blessed to have you in our lives! :)

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