Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Week!

Now that Teacher Appreciation Week is over (it was last week for those not aware), I'll share what we did for Brooke's most fabulous teacher!  I signed up to help with the projects for the week.  Our school (PTO) decided to take on a theme, of Our School has the Best Teachers across the World!...  so each day for lunch, a different meal was prepared for them where they got their passport stamped with whatever country it came from.  So, mexican food one day, French food another, etc etc...  They were also surprised with tokens of random acts of gifts of kindness.  As an additional surprise, the teachers were interviewed with fun facts given and to be displayed on our Facebook page.  Also, 3 or 4 kids out of each class were 'interviewed' as to what the best thing about their teacher was with those answers being read on morning announcements.  I helped with that aspect, interviewing the kids in K-2nd and some specials teachers (music, PE, art, etc).  That was so fun!  And from what I heard, it really pleased the teachers and was quite entertaining to listen to each day!  :)

The parents also signed up to deliver these random gifts of kindness for each teacher in the school, as well as other staff, etc.  I signed up exclusively for Mrs Taylor, because I know for a fact she often does not realize how much we appreciate her.  Some people signed up for more than one teacher, but I chose to sign up for just her so I could really show her some love.  :)

So, here's what we did.  I got all my ideas from Pinterest.  We were only required to do one thing, but again, we love her and really wanted to show her some love.  None of it cost me too much, just supplies.  

First project, the candy board poster letter.  No explanation needed.  Just take a look...

Another day (5 days in a week, I chose 3 to give her a gift those three days), we prepared a couple bags of popcorn treats, wtih the tag .."for a very POPular teacher"....  so cute.  (I think!)

And last but not least, we bought her some nice flowers (purple's her favorite!) and I painted this flowerpot.  First with spraypaint chalkboard paint, then yellow around the rim.  Then I lined up a measuring tape and drew the ruler marks on with sharpie.  I think it turned out cute!  For this gift, we attached a 1/2 Price Books gift card to add a little something extra special.  :)

I was really pleased with how everything turned out and even more happy to put a little joy back into Mrs Taylor's life.  She has been such a great teacher and influence on Brooke, as well as very loving, nurturing, and patient.  Patient with me too!  Being the new mom in the school.  ;)

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