Saturday, April 7, 2012

The way to a girl's heart...... take 2.



Brenna has been having some troubles at school this year. And she is not particularly fond of one of the teachers, specifically. However, Ms M was in charge of the newly adopted ant farm at school. When she sent the kids out on a mission to find ants to fill the farm, Brenna was ALLLL over it. Which is especially weird since she has developed (again) this new fear of all things bugs. But whatever. She was picking up ants (or trying to) and trying to deliver them to Ms M to put in the ant farm. She was so beyond excited when she got a "huge" ant (a fire ant) and was able to deliver that one. Most of what they were finding was little tiny sugar ants, etc. So, now she has one to watch that she can pick out as "her" ant. LOL

Anyway, after the day was done, she actually went up to Ms M and gave her hug!!! *GASP*!!!! What is the world coming to?!?! Now, to the readers that might not mean much, but let me just tell you. Its a big deal. ;)

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