Monday, April 16, 2012

Up, Up, and Away!

So apparently I'm in the I just discussed this with my husband just now and this whole concept was foreign to him. But. When *I* was in school, we had a yearly campaign, if you will, called Up, Up and Away. The kids (or the kids' parents) bought/sponsored balloons. So, some kids had one balloon, some had 20 balloons. You filled out a card with all your (the kids) information on it - your name, address, phone number, etc. Wrote a note on the other side, asking for the person who finds it to respond back by calling in or something to a certain pre-determined number. Then at a designated time, all the call-in's would be tallied and the kid's whose balloon went the farthest got some prize or something. It was kinda fun.

So when Brad shared this pictures of this activity he did with the girls, I just KNEW he got the idea from Up, Up and Away! Ha! But, apparently not.

Anyway, this was all his doing with the girls, with a leftover balloon we had still floating from Valentine's Day. I know, crazy right??? Valentine's Day?!?! And he just did this like last weekend or something. Impressive amount of helium to last that long, right? :)

He just forgot to have them leave a phone number so the person who finds it could call in and report back. *shrugs*

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