Monday, April 2, 2012

More birthday-ing

I mentioned the grandparents coming up for the weekend and they both came up, originally to see Brooke's only Saturday softball game of the season, to deliver presents to her, and to take her to dinner. So, we went to softball (we missed a local egg hunt we go to every year b/c of ...they were supposed to have team (and individual) pictures taken prior to the game, then play the game. Hrm. Well, we get there for pictures, but the games are running over 2 hours behind schedule!!!! Ugh. The fields weren't ready or something like that. Anyway, the 2 coaches (ours and the opposing team's) made the executive decision to cancel/reschedule the game and just take the pictures and leave. Sad face. So, my parents missed out on seeing her game, but I'm sure they weren't sad to miss out on sitting there for 2 1/2 hours for it to start! haha...

Anyway, here's a cell shot of their team pictures. Best group of girls. And hands down, THE best coach. He's awesome. :)

So, after the pictures, we drove to Academy. My dad was convinced that Brooke needed one of those net thingy's that you throw a ball at/into and it bounces back to let you practice more on your own, fielding and catching and throwing. So, he went and picked her out one. This was AFTER he had already given her a birthday card with a substantial amount of iTunes gift cards. We took it home, they put it together, and Brooke LOVES it. So, I'd say it was a good purchase. :)

Meanwhile, my mom came up and took her to Payless to pick out some shoes, because some of her all time favorite shoes had been rubbing blisters lately. Originally they were going to get the exact same ones in a bigger size, but Brooke picked out some different ones she liked just as well. Then my mom went with us to Houston and got Brooke the Toms shoes she's been coveted after for some time. Brooke was a happy camper. :)

And to not leave Brenna out, she got some new Pajamas. A 3 piece set she chose to model all parts of. :) (did I mention my 'little camera' broke? So, sorry for the poor quality of my cell phone camera)

Whew! I think I am all birthday'd out. Oh... wait. We get to do this all again in just a few short weeks for Brenna's! Ack. :P

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