Monday, February 13, 2012

Our beautiful yard

(note sarcasm --^)

Ugh. About 2 months ago, the City came to us and said they would be replacing the water main, which currently runs through our backyard. They were going to change that to run through our front yard/driveway. They notified us, because it meant they would be tearing up our yard. I wish I was exaagerating a little. But, I'm not. I thought it would be a nice little project or something. Dig a cute little trench and replace the drive, etc. Ha! 2 months later, 4 truckloads of dirt and pretty much no yard left.... they are still working on it.

Its worth saying again.


Along with all of this, came a few days of no water, two messed up toilets from when they turned off the water, sand in our water line (blech!), and road closures (directly in front of our house).

I am soooo ready for them to be done. I think we got the raw end of the deal even though there are other people's yards involved. Ours has the worst hit. Why? Well, for one the first line went through our back yard (exclusively) and the new one is going through our side yard, our driveway, our front yard, the other side of our yard (we live on a corner), so pretty much our whole yard is gone. While the other neighbors just have one 'track' running through a portion of their yard. Its just coincidence b/c of where we happen to live, but..... ugh.

Lucky for us, the guys working on it are super nice. Or maybe that's just b/c Brenna and I took them hot chocolate their very first day working when the temps were in the 30's (and before we knew it was them working on OUR yard/area). But ever since, they've been as accomodating as I'm sure they can be.

I took some pictures with my cell phone along the way. Mainly b/c Brad's never home to get to see the 'work in progress'...only the end of the day stuff after they cover up their work. Every picture is from a different corner of our yard.

You can see how our lot is on the corner and how the new line is running through the front and then down the side of our yard. :/

Then. To top it all off... we have the storm of the century a couple weeks ago, as they are in the midst of all this work. Again, I wish I was exaggerating but we got over SEVEN inches of rain in less than 12 hours!!!! Besides all the dirt that was now mudslides in our yard, our garage also got flooded. Wouldn't be a big deal, except we had carpet on part of it so they stench is awful. We've removed the carpet, but its still there. I suppose we are lucky it just didn't reach the electrical stuff. At the same time is when our toilets quit working right. So that weekend was not pleasant to say the least.

When we were finally able to get out after the rain stopped, I noticed part of the road actually had been washed away. And this was the one part of the road they hadn't 'messed' this was exclusively done by the storm/high waters. I couldn't get a great picture...but whatever.

Anyway. I'm so over this now. I'm ready for them to be done. And I'm ready for them to come repair my yard and driveway. But apparently the don't even BEGIN to do that till after the whole 'job' is done. So it may be a while. And I'm not sure if they repair the yard or just the driveway....I'm kinda scared to ask, b/c I'm thinking it'll just be the driveway. :(

So, if you come to my house any time soon, your car will be covered in mud before you leave, beware of the stench, you may not be able to use the restroom while here and you may have to take a back route to get here. But hey. We're still here! And ready for it to be back to normal... someday? :/

ETA: Oh, joy. More fun. Since this posting, now...this morning I go out (in the rain nonetheless) to find the .....faucet (??) they put up releasing water into our yard and street, going full force. That was at 8am. Its now 2pm and still going (almost 7 hrs now of water pouring out). No one is out there working today (bc of the rain I suppose). There was a City truck out there (with no one in it), but the water is just steady pouring out. Ugh. More mud. And....its A LOT of water. Talk about wasteful. :/

1 comment:

Snyder Central said...

OH MY! What a mess! I'm sorry you have to go through all of that. I think the faucet thing is to flush the line, but that's a LONG time for it to go without no one there!