Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Our beloved Belle....

This past Monday, our beloved Belle (Brooke's hamster) died. :(

We aren't sure why or what happened...she seemed fine over the weekend, she was less than a year old? So I don't know.

Coincidentally the fish died the same day, so maybe they had a suicide pact or something? :P

All kidding aside, Brooke was very upset. But it afforded us the opportunity to really talk about death and what happens when you die. She has totally understood the heaven concept thus far (and has been to a couple of funerals), but was not clear about why you bury people when they die. Not understanding what happens to the body vs spirit. So that was a nice talk to have.

We even had a little funeral for Belle, burying her in the front yard, next to Brooke's window (don't worry, the body was exhumed shortly after the funeral, leaving on the cross marker behind ;) and she has since insisted on printing out a picture of Belle to wear in her locket.

Since Monday, she has been ok with it. Talking about it some, only getting sad when she thinks about it. But otherwise, handling it ok.

In other non-related news, this week is crazy insane busy. Between regular school, Brenna's school, piano lessons, bible study, last week of gymnastics, making dinners, and preparing lunches, doing homework (yes that's started!) and getting piano practice in and trying to be in bed early enough so they are well rested.... now we have tacked on the VIPS orientation (volunteer program) at Brooke's school tonight and then Brooke's 1st grade parent orientation tomorrow night at the nearly exact same time as Brenna's Parent meeting at her school. Now, if anyone has an idea on how to clone myself or fast forward or rewind the time so I can be at all places at the correct time, let me know. Oh...and these meetings...are not for kids. So we also have to have a sitter. sigh.

Bottom line, if you don't hear from me the rest of the week, now you know why!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

You need Hermione's time turner.