Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Milestone

A huge day in our household. And marked with none other than Brooke writing a note to remember the occasion...
If you can't read it, it says, "January 12 2011 Wed. Chrismas (not sure where that come from?). Brooke got a loos tooth."

That's right. Brooke's first loose tooth!! She is soooo beyond excited. All of the sudden she started running around the house, yelling, "yes, yes, YES!" I asked her what she was saying that for and she told me, "Mommy! I have a loose tooth!!!" I said, 'no way...lemme feel.' (she has been known to say its loose before when its not) And sure enough, her bottom tooth is definitely loose!

Now, the waiting begins to see how long it takes for it to fall out. And, I've checked her other front teeth and I can see the top one moving a bit as well. So exciting! My girl is getting to be a real big kid!

1 comment:

MoJoMama said...

So has it fallen out yet?? Sophia's took forever to come out, she refused to wiggle it. When it was FINALLY loose enough to just pull out she wouldn't let me do it. Instead she waited for the next school day for the school nurse to do it. Why? "Because you're not a REAL NURSE yet!" Ouch, burned by my 5 year old. I heard your b-day is coming up (or just passed?). Either way, happy birthday!