Sort of....
I got an award from my fellow blogging friend, Gini. Thanks Gini!!!! :)
There are some rules (blah) that go along with this award, so here goes....
Ummm...see above? Remember Gini?
2. Share 7 things about yourself
- - I used to bite my fingernails, as recently as when Brooke was born!
- - I still watch Days of Our Lives religiously, since my sister got my hooked when I was about 10 yrs old. Its one of my guilty pleasures during nap time.
- - I sometimes long to go back to work, but then I think....ah, forget that. I'd have to actually get up early every day and be responsible. Who needs that?
- - Who am I kidding? I really will have to go back to work probably very soon, as least part time something or other. And that makes me a bit sad. (see above)
- - I wished I had listened to my dad when he said to do something in music. Why'd I have to pick an "easy" major? (maybe its that whole responsibility thing again...blah)
- - I love playing Solitaire on my phone. There are thousands of (mostly free) apps and games...and I keep coming back to plain ol' Solitaire. The classics are the best!
- - I hate trying to come up with the last of anything in a list. I think its a little bit of my OCD, thinking I'm going to leave something off.
3. Pass the award on to 15 bloggers (ok, so I'm not picking 15 cuz I probably only have 3 people that really read my blog anyway) who you recently discovered and who you think are totally awesome...
(in alphabetically order...thanks to my OCD)...
- - Angela R because even though I don't see her very much anymore, I love to keep up with her.
- - Carolyn because I think she's an all around great person.
- - Crissy...just because.
- - Heather because I think she's super cool and wish she still lived here.
- - Jenna because I love to read her responses to things.
- - Jenny because I'm extremely jealous of her initiative in her new business.
- - Kimberly because she's already won this award and maybe this will make her respond to it.
- - Leslea because she needs to update her blog more often.
- - Megan because I think she is a great parent who I get inspiration from often.
- - Rebecca because she has a brand new baby and probably needs something else to do, right?
4. Contact the bloggers (I didn't want to link them b/c they may enjoy their private lives) and let them know that they have won.
eh, if they read, they'll know they won. ;)

Yay! You winner you :) !! And you are too sweet - You could totally do this too! The hours are GREAT!! ;)
I have to wonder if my lack of order makes you crazy when you read my blog!
Enjoy your award!
(and no it isn't JUST because the girls are adorable)
I did's just that I have about 5 other posts in the pipe line at the moment and honestly can't think of 7 interesting facts y'all don't already know ;-)
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