Yes, my friends....that is what I call a potty trained girl. :))
The WORST part of parenting in my humble opinion (so far anyway) is potty training. I hate it. With a passion. There is nothing fun or exciting about it.... except when it's over.
Brenna has been potty-ing successfully for some time now. I'd say since she was about 19-20 months old? She started by going in with Brooke and wanting to do it. I didn't push or encourage her. I was NOT ready to deal with potty training. But, if she asked, I let her go. And I helped her and all. And she did. Go. Quite frequently actually. She did both, #1 and #2 on the potty. Just not consistently or regularly.. only when she felt like it. :P We'd go somewhere new and she'd want to go potty for the sake of trying out all the restrooms around town. You know, all that fun stuff....
Well, finally I got off my lazy self and decided we'd try this. I would kind of like her in all panties all the time when school started just to avoid the whole - have to be in pullups for the sake of ease for the teacher. I understand it and agree with it, but I didn't want to partake in it. To me, it seems confusing to the child. My philosophy is all panties all the time or not.
So the other day, when Brooke went to a sleepover and then when I knew the following week she'd be at a day camp for the week... I decided we'd give it a go. We went all out and went ahead and bought the special panties of her choosing. Which, for the record, happened to be Minnie Mouse. :)
The first day, she only had one accident with me taking her every 30 min - 1 hour. (still in diaper for nap/bed times). The next day, no accidents...same schedule. Day 3 and 4, I started stretching the times to see if she'd tell me she needed to go. No such luck. I believe on Day 4 I almost gave in when she had FOUR accidents...all in the morning. But we stuck with it. I went back to just taking her every so often on my decision. And she would go...every time. And stay dry. No more accidents. Ever. And over the last several days, she has started telling us when she needs to go. Every time. No accidents. Since day 4. (knock on wood of course! I'm probably jinxing myself and tomorrow I'll be up to my ears in wet floors and stained panties...LOL) She is no longer asking for stickers or treats when she potties either. We are done with the rewards too!
But here's the real kicker... She has stayed dry for all of her naps (even in a diaper) and at night too! All night long for the last 2 or 3 nights! (and she sleeps a solid 11-12 hrs at night!) In fact, one morning, she woke us up at 4:00am asking to go potty, went and peed on the potty and went back to bed/sleep. Now, that, my friends, is awesome! I never expected that. I thought she could probably be day trained by now if I would get off my butt and do it. But never did I think she could possibly be staying dry at night sometimes too! She is only 2 years and 3 months old is all?! Awesome! We'll see how that continues to go....
But by all accounts, this little girl is potty trained! Woo-hoo!!! I am soooo happy to be done with diapers (except one a day for bedtime...for now) and changing tables and diaper genies, etc... Done!
YAY BRENNA!!!!! :-)))

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