....she fell off and bumped her head!

Just too appropriate. :P We've been re-arranging the girls' room since we got to move the changing table/dresser out (YAY!!!). Anyway, in so doing, the beds are in a little bit more of a....um....playful?....position. They form an L-shape now (pics to come soon) with a slight space between the two. Anyways, so needless to say, the rule has come to that there should be no jumping from one bed to the next. However, this is NOT what happened here. This time, Brenna was walking on Brooke's bed and fell right onto/into? the corner of Brooke's (wooden) headboard. Ouch! The above picture was taken almost immediately after. The below picture taken a few hours later. The next day it was a little better, but today (the 3rd day) it actually looks worse? More red and blue and noticeable I think. **sigh**

Now, you would think she would've learned a lesson. At least for a short time? ... Nope. Not so much. The very next night (last night), after we put them to bed, Brenna was trying to reach down and across to Brooke's bed to hand her her stuffed snake. Again, fell, and hit her head (the other side) on the bottom of Brooke's bed (it's like a captain's bed, so wood all the way around). That one didn't leave quite such a mark. And frankly, I don't want to post another picture of her injured head.
When will she learn???? Ay yi yi.....

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