Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bearing fruit

My apple tree is blooming!! Like, REAL blooms! I'm so excited. I really had low hopes for apple trees in this area, but I had to try. Last year (the first year) we saw very tiny, if any, little leaves. This year, I was pretty excited to start seeing larger, regular-size leaves. And the other day, I was even more excited to see the pretty little flowers sprouting off everywhere! :)

Also, my plum tree has the first ever plum on it growing. Of course, its tiny....but its there! Woo-hoo! I love fruit. :-D Last year no flowers on the plum tree but tons of leaves. I was a little wary since we only have one plum, but it is a Methley Plum which is supposedly the only self-pollinating plum. I guess so! Check out my little plum... :)

As a side, anyone know what this is? Its like a little bubble of gunk, only in one spot on the tree...I can wash it off, scrape it off, pull it off and it will come back. The tree seems to be doing fine despite this ball of gunk, but I'm curious what it is and how to get rid of it?
As far as the rest of the garden.... its doing well. Everything is coming along nicely. I have also seen the start of blooms on the tomato plants and we've been able to pick a few tiny strawberries. The other plants are getting larger and I've finally started some cantaloupe and watermelon seedlings. Yay for Spring! :)


Potatos, and onions behind...

And tomatos...


Jennifer McHam said...

Ok. Your garden is doing MUCh better than mine! But I guess I should be happy I've reached my goal (so far) - Not killing it yet!! We ate our first strawberry tonight which was a lot of fun. Saw our very first teeny tiny tomato on one plant too. This was TOTAL EXCITEMENT for the boys! We have 1 tomato plant and 1 cherry tomato plant. No fruit trees but that is on my list for next year!!! Yay!! I'm so excited for your garden!!!

Snyder Central said...

Is the bubble of gunk sticky? Could it just be sap?

Brandy said...

Thanks Jenny! Yea, I'm loving the fruit trees. And I'm impressed...we don't have any tomatos yet, just flowers.

Amanda, its kinda like sap, but would it just be in one spot like that? That's the only place (and a tiny place it is) that it's at. Wierd.