Thursday, March 4, 2010

Can you say 'No'?

Brenna is really really starting to get funnier. She is sooo crazy talkative now, and completely understandable, even to others. She carries on mini-conversations with full sentences and answers questions, etc. Its insane. I really need to get some of it on video, because sure enough anytime anyone else is around, she clams up. She is still extremely shy. She also 'gets' sarcasm and humor, which is totally characteristic and specific to her. She not only understands that something may be funny (most kids get that), but then she understands how to make something funny. We often will do a sad face with her to get her to do something... "Mommy wants a hug, she's so sad, mommy's crying..." . That kinda thing. The other day I told her 'no' to something and she put her face in her hands and rubbed her eyes and started whimpering, "Beeena sad, Beena so sad." Oh my.

But the funniest and best example of her wittiness follows. Anytime the "no" word starts up (you know, its inevitable...around age 18mos, they say 'no' to nearly everything), we start playing the "can you say" game. It goes something like this...

Mommy: Can you say 'Mommy'?

Brenna: No

Mommy: Can you say 'Brooke'?

Brenna: No

Mommy: Can you say 'elephant'?

Brenna: No

Mommy: Can you say 'flower'?

Brenna: No

Mommy: Can you say 'No'?

Brenna: (pause) Noooo

And then we all laugh hysterically, including Brenna. We still play this game with Brooke. Brooke has never figured a way around it. Gets her everytime. She knows its coming and thinks its hilarious none the same. Anyway...leave it to Brenna. She's a smart cookie! Here's our game that happened the other day....

Mommy: Can you say 'Daddy'?

Brenna: No

Mommy: Can you say 'Barkley'?

Brenna: No

Mommy: Can you say 'yes'?

Brenna: No

Mommy: Can you say 'phone'?

Brenna: No

Mommy: Can you say 'No'?

Brenna: (long pause)........ Uh-uh.

The laugh was on us that time!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Too cute! Brenna is going to be one smart cookie!