The day after Seaworld, we all slept in late of course, but when we did get up, we decided to go over to the Wildlife Ranch. What's a family trip of ours without a trip to the wildlife ranch? I can't emphasize enough how much BOTH of our children love places like this.

So, I's just a cow. But it's a massive cow! Seriously! His mouth was double the size of Brenna's head! (oh...and yea, he had some stinky breath! yuk!)

I love the look here - 'mom, really. enough with the pictures.'

And the ostriches trying to fight their way into our car...

We like the one at Fossil Rim better for their animals (and the cool giraffes you can feed through the sunroof!), but this one had a much better petting zoo.

Even Brenna (I don't know....why am I surprised) enjoyed actually feeding the animals...

After we left there, back to the hotel for lunch in the room, then Brad was ecstatic to get to a nearby mall to visit an Apple store. He's all giddy! (and the girls in our makeshift double stroller - haha!)

That night (our last night there) we did not want to be hot again after the whole previous day being in the sun and extreme temps. So we decided on Spaghetti Warehouse - another one of our favorite spots. It's just so yummy!

And very coincidental, my sister had just arrived in San Antonio (the night before we left) with some of her teaching friends for a weekend away. So, we met up with them for dinner.

The next day we packed up and headed towards home. But not without excitement of course. We decided to stop at the outlet mall in San Marcos (of course!). While Brooke and I were in the Disney store, Brad let Brenna roam the backseat of the car. Just as I was getting back in, Brenna let out a fierce scream. I thought at first she was just getting cranky, fussy, tired, hungry or all of the above. But its still not like her to scream like that. So I pick her up and she kept pulling on her thumb violently. I couldn't think what she was trying to sign to me?! So, I looked more closely at her thumb and there appeared to be a splinter in it (that was wierd in would she get a splinter in the car?). So I pulled it out, but she kept crying and pulling at it. I looked again and realized there was quite a red mark and it was starting to swell. Brad checked the backseat and sure enough, there was a bee on the floor board. Best we can figure, it travelled with us from San Antonio and only after she got out of her seat and probably started to mess with it or tried to pick it up maybe?...did it sting her. The picture isn't really all too good...but it did swollen for a bit the rest of the day. Poor baby!

But she is definitely tougher than I would've been! She only cried for a couple minutes afterward and then was totally fine. I was thinking we would have to stop somewhere for tylenol or benadryl...but nope. She was totally fine - a little swelling and itchiness. But she was quite the champ.
So after, some shopping, we again, had a picnic lunch before heading back home.

It was a great trip and not so rushed. I liked being able to spend an entire day at Seaworld without worrying about driving the same day. I also liked having an 'extra' day in there to re-cooperate and have some other fun, slower-paced activities. It made the trip a lot more enjoyable. We all had a fun time! :-)
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