My dear sweet husband turns...........another year older today. I won't rat on you sweetie and tell your age. ;)
He's the love of my life, my best friend, my confident, my life partner, my soul mate..the one I turn to, my soft place to land. I love him with my whole heart and then some. I just hope I can show him even an ounce of how much I greatly appreciate what he is to us. I won't get much more mushy or gooey, but he is the most important man in my life, so he deserves the credit and time. He actually deserves much more than I can ever give him.
But here's a little bit...
First off, he really already got a HUGE gift...a MacBook Pro...several weeks ago. Back when I got a killer deal. Leave it to me right? :) I ended up getting a $1200something computer for $900. :) But that being that, I couldn't let his actually birth DAY pass and not do something. So after picking Brooke up from school we set out to surprise him at work. He was still in court and we brought some balloons and a little plant and our bday cards with us and camped out in his office, unbeknowest to him. 

He was really surprised! Really he was! More surprised than I thought he'd be? 

Then we took him to lunch to a downtown restaraunt that we've been wanting to try.
Later on, after he got off work, we met up with his mom and Tara for dinner at Ninfa's! Yum!

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