Friday, May 8, 2009

SuperMom and SuperKid

This is the present Brooke made for me at school. It says "Super Mom" on it...and she picked me that special purple flower. Also, last week at church, she made me a card. Not a Sunday School, but during the church service. No one suggested it to her or helped her. She likes to color during church so we assumed that's what she was doing. Well, then she presented me a paper. That said "To Mom, Brooke. I Luv Mom." should've Mother's Day last Sunday I guess 'cause that made me feel pretty special and loved. And then below is a typical worksheet she brings home, writing words, practicing letters, etc. The words are written with a blank space/line below each one for the children to imitate. She does rather well I think.But then she also brought home the next "worksheet" of her own yesterday for me to complete. It started as a blank piece of paper and she made her own worksheet, complete with lines and words, etc. I was pretty impressed! And I loved that she was able to spell church! That's impressive! She's a pretty super kid, huh?

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