Anyway, they were almost done with it, but it was naptime. So we told Brooke that after her nap, it would be completely ready and she could jump on it. She went to bed, they finished it and about 20 min later, it started POURING! And it rained, and rained and rained. For hours - literally. Poor Brooke got up so excited to go jump only to realize we were in the process of getting 3 inches of rain! :-( So, by the evening when it was still raining, we decided it was a no-go and went to dinner. We came back, and yes, it was still raining! Brooke told us as we were going into the house, "You know, Mom...I don't really care if I get wet." Haha. So, we decided, since it was down to a drizzle, she could go try it out (yes, in the rain) for a few minutes before bed. It was soaking wet, raining, but she LOVED it! I think this will be great fun for both of them for a long while! Thanks again, Terry! :-)

But in some cool developmental news, she has learned to use a straw cup! Yippee! We bought her one a few months ago to try out and we've been exposing her to straws here and there, but she just didn't 'get it'. The one I bought happened to be a Princess one, just because it had a thicker straw that I thought she would be better apt to use. Well, she didn't, so I let Brooke have it for a while. And tonight Brooke went and got some water in it, set it on the coffee table and Brenna just went right over to it, picked it up and started sucking. As if she had been doing it for months. Cool beans! So, I broke the news to Brooke that Brenna was going to be using the straw cup now. :-)
And its worth mentioning she is still learning new signs DAILY! It's crazy. When you got it, you got it I guess. She points at everything and wants a label for it. Hopefully I know the sign and I try to practice the easier stuff with her. So, we're up to her knowing milk, more, eat, dog (her favorite by far!), cat, play, horse, zebra, drink, lion, and probably some more I'm forgetting. Of course, they are far from truly accurate and *I* know what she is doing, but that's all the matters right? For instance, her "more" looks just like someone clapping, instead of her fingers being pointed toward each other. But she gets her message across. And it's kind of funny. She'll do "more" and if it's something she gets really excited about and really wants more of (usually food), she start doing the sign extra big. LOL I'm just excited she's doing it and showing interest! From there, I know she will become more accurate with the exact hand motions. Yay Brenna! :-D
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